Need a break from the heat? Try the Lake Siskiyou Loop Trail on the Mount Shasta Trail Challenge! The seasonal bridges have just gone up after a wonderfully wet winter and it is now possible to hike or bike all the way around. The trail is fairly well shaded but still gives great views of the lake and Mt Shasta. The best part is you are never more than a minute from the waters edge. Click here for more information.
New Map Kiosks on the Lake Siskiyou Trail
Exciting news! There are now 5 new maps installed on the two existing and 3 new kiosks at Lake Siskiyou. The maps have great information for all lake visitors to use for planning their outdoor adventures. Check them out the next time you are at Lake Siskiyou. Or, use this post as an excuse to get down to the Lake for a little outdoor fun!! Enjoy.