Dear MSTA Volunteers:

Officials at the Forest Service have asked that we stop removing garbage from USFS land.  The reason given is liability concerns.  Therefore, the cleanup on Everitt Memorial Hwy for next Monday, April 23, 2018 is cancelled.  The USFS is suggesting that we call their office (530-926-4511) and report transient encampments and dump sites, and they will put them on the list to review and remove per their regulations.  We may occasionally be asked to assist with these cleanups, using liability release forms.

We can still clean up on city and county property, as well as private property, with permission.

As you might imagine, I am really disappointed, because I get such a kick out of picking up garbage!


This Wednesday, April 18, at 9 am, we are still meeting at the Siskiyou Land Trust property, 522 Alma (across from Sisson School) to spruce up the Garden Greenway.  Bring rakes, loppers, chainsaws, hedge clippers, etc.


This Saturday, April 21, 2018, the MSTA is having an Earth Day cleanup at Castle Crags State Park, starting at 8:30 am.  A light breakfast will be served, as well as lunch.  This should be a fun event and won’t involve any grueling work, but rather dragging of slash, burning, etc.


Clean and Safe Mt. Shasta will be having an Earth Day cleanup event beginning at 9 am at the Lower Lodge in the MS City Park, also on Saturday, April 21, 2018.
