There are increasing reports of motorcycle riders on established Gateway trails and new trails currently under construction. This post is a reminder that access roads and single-track trails within the Gateway System are for non-motorized use only, including hikers, runners, bicyclists, and horseback riders.
The Mount Shasta Trail Association (MSTA), in partnership with the US Forest Service (USFS), has raised and spent about $550,000 over the last 11 years to create these trails. Finishing the newest 46 miles of trail will require at least another $1.5 million and several years of construction. The trails are carefully planned and designed according to Forest Service specifications and will not tolerate motorized use. Motorcycles damage the trail tread, increase maintenance costs, and decrease sustainability. In addition, heavy vehicles traveling at high speed are a significant risk to pedestrians, dogs, and bicyclists. Use of these trails by motorcycles is prohibited by Forest Service regulations.
Some motorcycle riders have commented on social media that they are being “kicked off trails” they have traditionally used and have asked why MSTA isn’t building trails for them. Please understand that all these trails on USFS land are created with the consent, approval, and participation of the USFS. The designation as non-motorized is a decision made by the USFS.
Requests for more motorized trails or more access should be directed to USFS personnel. The Travel Management Plan and Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM) available from the Forest Service show many miles of designated routes where motorcycle use is permitted. ( Shasta-Trinity National Forest – Home).
Interested users can find maps and information at the local USFS ranger stations as well.
Let’s all work together to optimize the use and sustainability of our trails.