Farewell to MSTA board member Lynda Hardy
Lynda is taking a new trail and retiring from the MSTA board. She has been an active member of our board for several years. As our creative director, Lynda was the mastermind of our “community based” Trail Challenge. Her vision was to inspire trail users to challenge themselves and others to participate in healthy outdoor activities by hiking and biking the trails that surrounds us.
Giving Tuesday was a passion for “Team Captain” Lynda. She developed a variety of promotional materials to get the word out to donate to MSTA. Over the last 5 years many supporters have viewed members of the board participating in humorous Giving Tuesday videos. Those videos were Lynda’s inspiration.
At the urging of Lynda, MSTA now has a beautiful logo that represents both hikers and bikers. This eye-catching logo has had countless compliments from many of our supporters.
Although, the board won’t be seeing Lynda at our meetings, we will see her having fun on the trails biking, hiking and skiing. We send her good wishes on her new adventures.