MSTA is organizing a volunteer work day on the Cabin Creek Trail (south of McCloud) to remove fallen trees and brush, and to generally spruce up the trail before spring arrives. We’ve set Saturday Feb. 5 as the day, since the chainsaw crew is mostly available on that day and the weather seems likely to allow it. We need 5-10 swampers, loppers, and rakers to help clean the trail after the trees are cut up. It’s a great chance to get outside and forget about Covid.
The trip is about 40 minutes each way. We’ll meet at the Park and Ride on Hwy 89 (near the I-5 and Hwy 89 intersection) at 8:30 and drive to McCloud. We then turn south on Hwy 11 (Squaw Valley Rd.) for about 5-6 miles, and turn right onto a reasonable dirt road (Forest Service Rd. 39N21) for about another 3 or 4 miles to the trailhead.
If you haven’t seen or hiked Cabin Creek Trail (formerly Squaw Valley Creek Trail), you should come just to see it. We won’t care if you just walk around and stare at the creek and beautiful waterfalls, let us do the work, and give orders.