Just a reminder that this Saturday, Feb. 5, we’ll meet at the Park and Ride at 8:30 am at the junction of I-5 and Hwy 89 to caravan to the Cabin Creek Trailhead in McCloud (formerly Squaw Valley Creek Trail) for trail maintenance. We have all the tools.
Chainsaw crew: bring all appropriate safety equipment (you know the drill). We do have 2 extra chaps and one helmet.
There is poison oak on this trail, mainly the lower portion, so wear long sleeves and gloves. Also, much of the trail is likely to be in shade, so wear layers to avoid being cold. Finally, bring water and snacks (or lunch) for yourself. We’ll likely work for about 3 hours, but you can leave anytime. It should be beautiful on the trail.
You will decide whether to travel alone or with others, depending on your own perceived risk of Covid. After all, we don’t want to tell anyone how to behave…that’s riskier than Covid!