Yesterday, I hoped for about 8-10 hardy folks to show up for tree removal and cleanup of the Cabin Creek Trail. By 8:35, we had 23 crazies shivering in the Park and Ride parking lot!! Then Barb and Brian met us at the trailhead for a total of 25 volunteers! The first photo shows most of the group selecting tools, patiently listening to my boring and long-winded safety talk. We split into groups consisting of one sawyer and 3 or 4 swampers/rakers and everyone trudged down the trail.

I locked up the trailer and followed. The first half mile had no trees to remove and I thought, “Oh, no, I’ve wasted everyone’s time today.” That is, until I came to a group working on a huge tree across the trail (second photo). Many thanks to Todd for bringing (and especially carrying) a saw with a 30-plus inch bar. When I first saw him with that mongo saw, I thought, “What the hell is he gonna to do with that?”

It warmed up quite a bit and turned into a spectacularly beautiful day. Welcome to new volunteers Liz, Jackie, Russell, and Howard! Quite a few of the 25 volunteers had never experienced this amazing trail. Thanks to everyone for clearing about 90% of the trail, nearly to the end. A couple of us will return to finish the bottom portion later.

Hey, we had fun!