Debbie Derby is retiring from the Mount Shasta Trail Association Board after 13 years of service, and boy will we miss her! Debbie was part of the formation of MSTA. In 1989, founder and then-president Tom Hesseldenz asked Debbie to attend meetings as a Forest Service representative because she was interested in the around-the-mountain trail. In 2010 District Ranger Priscila Franco asked Debbie to become involved as a board member. Debbie gladly became part of the MSTA team.
During her tenure on the board, she wore many hats, her favorite being the trucker hat! Debbie became secretary of the board in 2011 with coaching from lawyer and board member Barry Price. She turned out to be the best and most exacting secretary ever.
Over the years, she established a framework to chronicle MSTA’s many directions, ideas and projects. In addition, she helped in many other ways: she completed environmental studies for several trails, was a team captain for the Giving Tuesday fundraiser, contributed creative ideas and– probably many peoples’ favorite– brought treats to the trail crews. Debbie will be greatly missed, but her influence will continue to live on.